POC INDIA follows an integrated approach for Health, Safety and Environment Management in its multi-faceted activities in pursuit of hydrocarbon resources that are practical, cost effective, sustainable and acceptable legally and morally. POC INDIA’s Safety statement “POCIL is fully committed to safety, Health & Environment” is reflected in the HSE functions and systems that have become part and parcel of the total management and work culture of POCIL. These systems provide structured paths for improvement of communication, accomplishment of goals, development of personnel and overall improvement of business process.
POCIL is deeply committed to the preservation of the environment and ecology, sustainable development and enrichment of the quality of life of employees, customers and the community around its operational areas. It is the company policy to ensure that the environment is not in any way degraded so that the ecological balance is not disturbed for which POCIL operates with three basic principles:
- Production without pollution
- Care and protection of our planet is a responsibility of each individual
- All injuries and accidents are preventable

POCIL has a well-defined HSE Policy that provides broad guidelines on the corporate approach and individual approach to ensure safer, cleaner and healthier work environment. A great deal of emphasis is given by the employees displaying their commitment and concern for Safety, Environment and Occupational Health Services. As such various measures are undertaken to ensure HSE in the Company like, adoption of HSE management system manual, safe operating procedures, Internal Safety Organization (ISO) set up for HSE management, accident/incident/ dangerous occurrence reporting system, Hazard identification and control, incident/accident investigation & analysis, HSE audit, Training Development & Awareness Programme, Sustainable development, environmental protection measures, & continual improvement, etc.
In line with the norms of MoEF, the State pollution control boards, OISD guidelines/ regulations etc. all possible measures are adopted for the protection of the environment, without compromising on the safety of people as well as installations.
POC INDIA HSE Policy Objectives:
- To provide a structured programme to look after and promote the health of vital ‘Human Resource’, essential for productivity and effectiveness of the corporation
- Establish and maintain good standards for safety of the people, the processes and the assets.
- Establish and maintain the highest possible degree of physical and mental well-being of the employees. Provide timely and adequate medical facilities for treatment of employees in case of medical emergencies.
- Comply with relevant statutory Rules & Regulations and devise appropriate standards in other cases wherever required.
- Ensure availability and use of personal protective equipment while handling toxic and other hazardous chemicals.
- Plan, design, operate and maintain all facilities, processes and procedures to secure sustained Safety, Health and Environmental Protection.
- Remain committed to be a leader in Safety, Occupational Health and Environment Protection through continuing improvement.

- Design, create and maintain facilities, provide training, establish procedures/safety rules in all the fields and ensure that these are rigidly followed by the employees, the contractors and the visitors inside the premises.
- Remain trained, equipped and ready for effective and prompt response to accidents and emergencies.
- Adopt and promote industry best practices to avert accidents and improve our S, H&E performance.
- Maintain highest standards of vigilance and preparedness to respond to emergencies, supplemented with mutual aid of neighbouring facilities and Government agencies.
- Create awareness in employees, dealers, contractors, customers and the public on Safe Storage, Transportation, and Handling of products & materials associated with our activities.

- Adopt environment sound operating systems, practices and procedures.
- Strive to progressively bring about an improvement in the environmental performance of our facilities by adopting eco-friendly techniques/processes for optimal use of energy and to reduce hazardous emission and wastes.
- Maintain the highest standards of vigilance and preparedness to respond to emergencies supplemented with mutual aid of neighbouring facilities and Government agencies.
- Make efforts to preserve ecological balance and heritage
- Program reviews and evaluation to measure the progress of compliance with the policy.